Friday 6 November 2009

Questionnaire & Results

1. I asked this question so that I could gather my information together and see what age bracket of people are likely to like my magazine, and who I should aim it towards. From my research I have discovered that over 70% of people that answered 'yes', were above year 10 in education.

2. From the results you can see that most teens would be willing to pay an average amount for a magazine. If I were to price the magazine it would be an average £1-£3. This is at the higher end of the scale because a lot of teenagers have a disposable income if they are working.

3. The most popular subject being studied at school was Art. When I make my magazine I will be sure to consider this, gearing articles, adverts or competitions towards this subject.

4. A majority vote from my questionnaire was that most people were in years 12 to 13, closely followed by years 10 to 11. I will be targeting my magazine towards the higher end of the school. To make sure this is successful I will use more mature language and things that older teenagers are more interested in.

5. The most popular extra-curricular activities that students partook in were helping in the community and charity events. Including these things will make people more interested in the magazine.

6. The most popular thing students would want to see in a school magazine is interviews and competitions. This is because winning something is desirable and people like to know about others peoples views and opinions. Including at least one of these articles on my front cover will appeal to my target market and make my magazine successful.

Questionnaire for School Magazine

1. Do you buy magazines regularly?

 Yes     No

2. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?

Free      Less than £1       £1-£3         More than £3

3. What is your favourite subject?

Maths        Science         Art        History        Geography        Drama

4. What year are you in?

7-8        9        10-11       12-13

5. What extra-curricular activities do you take part in?

Helping the community      Charity Events       Sporting Events      Art and Craft Events

If any, please specify...............................................

6. What type of articles would you be interested in a school magazine?

Charity Fundraisers         Up and coming events       Interviews         Competitions     Quizzes


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