Friday 6 November 2009

Audience Focus Group


Name: Charlie Say

Age: 17

Subjects being taken: Art, Psychology, Biology, Government and Politics

What they like about school: There's a better quality of learning compared to her old school

What magazines they buy: Hair Magazines

What kind of articles they would find interesting in a school magazine: Jokes and Funny things

How much media they consume per week (Television): Around 14 hours a week


Name: Robyn Adams

Age: 16

Subjects being taken: French, Biology, Chemistry and Maths

What they like about school: Learning new things

What magazines they buy: Company and Look

What kind of articles they would find interesting in a school magazine: Reviews on Events and Trips

How much media they consume per week (Television): Around 20 hours a week


Name: Georgia


Age: 16

Subjects being taken: Biology, Psychology, Chemistry and History

What they like about school: How many events and clubs they set up, good opportunities

What magazines they buy: More

What kind of articles they would find interesting in a school magazine: Student achievements

How much media they consume per week (Television): Around 12 hours a week


Name: Chloe Mehta

Age: 16

Subjects being taken: Biology, Product Design, Psychology and English Literature

What they like about school: Seeing friends and socializing

What magazines they buy: Don't buy magazines, occasionally gossip ones

What kind of articles they would find interesting in a school magazine: Interviews with students/teachers

How much media they consume per week (Television): Around 15 hours a week

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